


  • Seed treatment with the Energy Seeds complex, which ensures symbiosis of bulb bacteria, is the first step in the soybean fertilizer system.
  • Phosphorus represents the main requirement of the soybean during the initial stages of growth. It activates the operation of symbiotic microflora and promotes the formation of additional generative organs, which serve as the foundation for the future harvest.
  • The critical period for nitrogen nutrition for soybean is 2-3 weeks before flowering and 2 weeks after it.
  • Potassium will assist in surviving droughts and make the plant more resistant to lodging.
  • Soybeans require boron during the entire period of vegetation, especially during the phase of three triticale leaves and during the period of flowering. This element activates fertilization and formation of beans and contributes to the use of nitrogen precisely for the accumulation of protein and not for the accumulation of vegetative mass.
  • Molybdenum contributes to the more intense development of the root system and it accelerates and stimulates the activity of bacteria.
  • During the period of three ternary leaves, soy should be supplemented with phosphorus and boron, and during the period of the beginning of flowering — phosphorus, boron and nitrogen.


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