


  • Young tomato plants require 3-5 times more minerals than adult plants. Therefore, rich nutritious mixture is required for growing of seedlings.
  • The plant consumes phosphorus and potassium intensively during the growth of seedlings, and nitrogen — after planting at the site of cultivation.
  • Doses of nitrogen are increased to the level of phosphorus-potassium nutrition after planting of the seedlings in the open soil. Tomato requires moderate amount of nitrogen and extra phosphorus for the formation of fruits. Tomato requires increased amounts of nitrogen during the formation of fruits, nitrogen and potassium — during the growth of fruits, and potassium — when they ripen.
  • Plant growth decelerates and even ceases in the absence of phosphorus and potassium. The emergence and ripening of fruits is delayed.
  • Tomatoes are sensitive to the lack of calcium, especially during the period of growth and maturation of fruits. Absorption of calcium is limited by high temperatures and low relative air humidity. It is necessary to feed calcium during the second half of the growing season to prevent the development of top rot.


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